Wednesday 28 August 2013

Pokemon cupcakes

 You probably don't know that I was a pokenerd when I was young....Aaaand sometimes I still play (It's addicting and they're just so cute!!! You gotta catch 'em all!! ;) )

Anyway... They were a birthday surprise for someones grandson on his birthday. When I asked her what his favorite Pokemon were she became a little baffled, unaware of just how many there are. I told her to just leave it to me!!! Haha that I know my way around Pokemon! (Such a dork!)

 Though they were for her grandson, when I dropped them off for her at work her office also loved them!! Especially her boss! So she ordered more for the following week!  Pokemon take 2! I did the same Pokemon over, but as with everything else practice makes I like these ones a little better. :)

Happy Wednesday folks!!! It is mid week!!!! :D

Let your nerd out! ;)

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